Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rubik's cube and smile faces

Do you know what a rubik's cube is? It's this cool puzzle thing, a cube of course and there is are different sizes too. It's really fun to solve to see what i'm talking about look it up there is tons of stuff on the internet to tell you about it. If you're reading these words then you know how to navigate on the internet.
Most of you have a phone correct? (Well who doesn't these days? I mean almost every kid I ask has one, but they don't have email. I mean seriously!) well when you text to your friends you sometimes might put those smiley faces on it. So I have a question for you. What is your fav. smile that you use? Post them in your comments below I like this one,  : P  it's supposed to be someone with thier tounge out of their mouth but it doesn't really look like that, does it?  Wait! I should of thought of this before,  : P  if I bold the dots it looks less abnormal.
your fav. blogger

Dear, Kegan

Dear, Kegan
I'm SO happy for you! You got a computer for Christmas! Is it a net book, computer or laptop? And Yes MAKENNA NOEL TO YOU! ( To the confused people reading this right now: Noel means Christmas and in Kenyan Makenna means happy, so right now I'm wishing my friend a happy Christmas) Kegan! Some People in Brazil know English and they probably have some sort of thing that translates it into their language. Honestly I don't know very much so if you are reading this right now and you live in Brazil or some other country that English is not popular, tell us how you are reading these words on this page.(Thank you for answering my friend's question in advance) And sorry about the name spelling, I'm getting better though. And I KNOW that Courtney isn't a oboe, I'm in the oboe class remember? You didn't forget that I play bassoon over the Holidays did you? The reason I mentioned him is because IF he were to pick band he would have played the oboe. ALL of the oboe players and bassoon players were on my team last year except for you. AND I FORGOT TO TELL YOU! I got a PHONE for Christmas and a COLOR NOOK! and when I got my ears pierced guess what earrings I got put in! My birthstone which is SOO pretty. And Kegan,P.S - You are SO not a yellow, you ARE a green with a little red and a LOT of blue and I belive you said you name was K-E-G-A-N right? at least, that's what you said on you comment you posted. or did it have spaces? I'll have to check that later. . . . . . . XP (look at it sideways) I left you a comment on the dream thing because it was only about a sentence long.
-One of your best friends,
 And for my fans
your fav. blogger


OMG! SORRY! I haven't been on in a while and I haven't read all you comments yet {YOU APPARENTLY WRITE A LOT OF THEM : P } BUT GUESS WHAT! I got a gift card for christmas to go to claire's. GUESS what it was for! Ear piercing. I JUST GOT MY EARS PIERCED TODAY! [well, technically re-pierced because they closed up when I got them pierced when I was just a baby but still, I didn't remember it back

Well most of you now are going "What are you talking about who in the world is -----? Okay, since I can't use names I put a number of these [ - ] depending how many letters there are in the name now. I'm talking to one of my BFFs but it's true about the ear piercing [ first I've got to learn how to spell that word becuase I'm tired of those ------ red lines!]
Your Fav. blogger

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Three things I wish teachers would understand about me

This was a writing journal response assignment. We had to write about three things that we wish our teachers would understand about me. Here's what I put:

 Three things I wish my teachers would understand about me. . . . . . . . .  GT, independent, Reading stratigies. Since that isn't very clear, lisen to my detials.

Journal entry

Okay this is an entry about my day in kickball today

I had another bad day, I'm tired of everyone saying that it's all my fault! I don't even get a sympathetic sorry before I get told off, no one understands! And for once if might be nice to have someone that does. People would probably rather spend a day with The ac kid than me!WHY DOESN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND! Oh great, science my friend is probably going to spend the time telling me I was wrong and whatnot. I mean, she is a good friend and all, but she doesn't understand either and she is the closest friend I have! DOES ANYONE GET MY PAIN? Well, i think I know of one SPECIAL person . . . . . . . . but still. Though to look on the bright side my friend understands me better than most and I think shes like me, when there is a friend sad or a friend fight, she tries to fix it because it makes thing less enjoyable for others and uneasy, definitely with a fight going on, I REALLY need to learn how just be happy or to even just pretend I'm happy for the sake of others Though k---- would probably find out eventually because I most likely wouldn't be very good at it. I mean it makes me less of a friend. I feel like I'm just a happynessvacum or something and suck up the happiness in others. If anyone of my friends could rate me on friend quality, I would probably get a 0, at least it feels like it. I'm not a good return of favors person.
ARG{ In my real journal, this is MUCH bigger}


I honestly don't know why I named this blog Hala becuase that is not really how I feel right now. I picked kickball in gym and I'm not even going to talk about it. Except for one detial that happened to me,. . . . . . . today. In kickball there is not a lot of girls, just a bunch of idiots, jerks, dorks, geeks, you know, the usual except with a compitive and yell at everybody and I'm perfect plus pack. Now one of the girls in kickball is my friend. And she ends up team caption, so she gets to pick the people. And the two team captions start picking. When she looks at me I go " pick me!" I mean she's the only friend I have in kickball right now. And she doesn't pick me. I don't even get picked LAST! Our coach ended up dividing the rest of us that hadn't gotten picked and I ended up on the other team with tattle tell and a bunch of other stupid idoit bozos. So this is what I'm thinking, One of my best friends pick a bunch of stupid idiot bozo boys and DIDN"T EVEN THINK TWICE ABOUT PIKING ME?!?!?!?!?! I mean I understand if I'm not on the top of the list (People hate my guts) but . . . . . . . . Later she said that she picked skill over friendship. Doesn't that just seem wrong to you? I understand if it was a contest or there was a prize or something, but THIS IS FREAKING GYM CLASS! WHY DOESN"T ANYONE UNDERSTAND? (becuase all my friends are basicly saying it's my fault wich is all they do, BLAME ME, yeah sometimes I over react a little {Okay a lot} but I don't even get a sympithetic sorry!?? before they tell me off) Well tring to get out of my pity party, I'm going some post some stuff I've written in my writing journal for L.A. {I guess you could say I use it like a diary}
Your fav. Blogger,

Friday, November 12, 2010


 I'm in band and I play one of the most frustrating and cool instruments ever!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New tunes

hey I haven't been on in a while but since I am SOOOO WAY out of tune with popular music these days can anyone help me out? I REALLY want to know some of your fav. songs. Maybe I could rate them by my thoughts. well can't stay long I have home work to do. SEE YA
your fav. blogger
(99.5 the wolf aroooooooo and kscs is what i listen to)

Friday, October 22, 2010


Okay I belive I spelled Sudoku wrong but oh well, I love to play this game called Sudoku it's this number puzzle game. If you want to see what it is get in to your poptropica acount it's there and it's at, I going to go play becuase it's friday and I'm going some where tomarow that doesn't have internet, SEE YA!
Your fav. Blogger,


I've thought it would be really cool to get money for my blog by posting ads, But, aren't those stupid ads anoying? I mean GEE WHIZ i'm NOT INTERSED OKAY? People didn't come to the website to buy something with ads, they came to read posts and play games not to buy things (unless you were on amazon or ebay ofcouse wich I don't think I need to point out becuase that's like, DUH!)
Your fav. Blogger,

Soccer talk

Okay I know i dwell on bad things so I might exaterate but here goes. .. . . . I sprained (Okay yeah it's not broken and i not sure if it's really spraned but it was servere enough to need ice and hurt the whole day and I can't put any wieght on it so i'm typing one handed!) my wrist during soccer practice! MAA! and ARRG becuase if it doesn't get better I won't be able to play goalie and I'm not sure if it will be safe to play on the field either becuase the team were playing always does illegeal pushing and shoving and they do it hard to AND THE NEVER GET CALLED i'm one of the lucky kids though, becuase I've seen them do it to my team mates but though  they have never done it to me. Did I tell you one time I was trying to take the ball from some player and I accidently half fell but still had my leg out and tripped the poor kid. though they didn't call it becuase it was an accident. And during the game last week we had a corrner kick and I kept moving with this player I was covering and she said "get off me" HELLO! We're playing soccer, I'm trying to keep you from getting the ball! GEEZ! Where have you been? In la la land? COME ON! GET A CLUE! And that team hadn't got any new players either. . . .
Your fav. Blogger,

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I got two people from BRAZIL looking at my website and one person FROM FRANCE! I'd like to take this opritunity to say thankyou for all that have been spreading the word. As I and commenters have said before, ROCK ON PEOPLES EVERY ONE OF YOU ARE SOOOOO AWSOME
Your fav. Blogger,

To the anomous blogger

You have a point there and sorry for the complaints, I do seem to dweel on the bad stuff don't I. I really don't mean to. But some times I can be really negitive and stubborn sometimes. If you want me to write about something cheerful or whatever just say so! I'd be more that happy to. (Becuase seriously i don't smile that much anymore, I don't know why) I going to see about typing storyies and things I've writen before at some point. becuase I REALLY love writing. But intill then there won't be much here most likely. So really a can't belive how many people like my site. I really hope your that bloger I commented about, thought affter I commented, it showed up in the white space and then it dissapeared completely, it didn't even show up on the real site comment place so I wonder, What happened? Oh well.
Your fav. Blogger,


SUP? (just kidding saying that is soo unlike me, so I'll say Hiya peoples!) Kegan and Ashyln wants me to type about puppies so here's my opinion:
PUPPIES ARE SO CUTE! We all agree that puppies are absolutely adorable! but most of us say that they are a pain to house train, which they are, but ISN"T IT WORTH IT? I mean really, who can resit man's best friend, we use them for everything. To help the blind, to help children read(not kidding, we have one of those dogs at our school, ask ashylen and kegan) To help hunt down criminals, to help hunt game, to sniff for illegal drugs and other illegal substances and bombs, to put into shows, I've even heard of a dog that helped a child overcome sickness, it got her mom every time the dog realized something was wrong. And blood hounds for instance my beagle are REALLY GOOD AT SNIFFING! If a treat like a carrot( one of her favorites) gets under a piece of furniture like the refrigerator, dishwasher, couch and dinner couch in the camper, SHE WILL GO CRAZY in till someone fetches the snack for her, every time we have food she automatically sits because we started making her sit to get food, but that's the only thing she sits for! So if your trying to get her to laydown by using treats, you can't because she sits instead. When she was a puppy she would literly get in the dishwasher when we did the dishes. And she still does! If you want to add something about puppies, tell a story about your own or some tips for training or whatever start typing your comments!
Your fav. Blogger,

Hey alaska and biggest fan

Thank SOOO MUCH you don't know how much it means to me that people enjoy my blog  sorry that I haven't been on in a while I'm trying to catch up with all the comments, when I logged in and looked at my commnets page I was like WHOOO! becuase it went from like, five to like tweenty!  And also, alaska, you said "I like your" and then you typed some other word, I not in touch with abrevations and stuff like that, so can you tell me what that means, and since you call yourself alska, are you the person from canda, oh wait, alaska is united states (DU-DER TO ME) Any way as my biggest fan said ROCK ON ( but this time it includes any body that's gotten on my website )
Your fav. Blogger,

Renata-about soccer

Renata I'd like to say good luck to you too becuase you're going to need it, even though we got beat by storm but that's becuase our team has trouble with the idea that you can push people, I'm SOOO DEFINITLY OUT OF PUNTING PRACTICE and we ALL were not awake, ecspically me. And when people play bunch ball like they did, you would think it would make it hard on that team right. No, it makes it hard on the other team. becuse it's like, Do I go with my person to block her even though she's on the WAY other side of the field, or do I stay spread out and let two of my team mates handle almost half of the team. So yeah.
Your fav. Blogger,

Asylen's riddles

One of my fans, Ashylen has commented on some riddles, I ask if Ashylen sees someone comment the right answer say something( And don't even think about cheating, becuase really you can't, I actually know who Ashlyen is so HAA! You cheaters) And I also have a spooky riddle too. Here's ashlyen's two riddles:
1What do you call a fish without an eye?
2There were two ducks in front  of a duck and two ducks behind a duck and one in the middle. How many ducks were there?

Okay and now for my october riddle
Who gave her mother forty wacks and her father forty one? What little song was made for this person?
(come on people, my mother knows this one!)
Good luck to you all!
Your fav. Blogger,

Dramma queen

One known fact is that I am a very dramatic person. Not to the point that It's annoying but to the point to where I am definitely dramatic. When people say I'm annoying It's because first, to be honest, I'm a little bit of a show off, but I'm getting better at laying off that annoying quality. I get mad easily these days so I accidentally snap at people every once in a while.And I have to say my opinions about everything so my hand is always up. A teacher can never say that I don't participate. I'm stubborn and want to be the leader of everything. When someone else is the leader the way i deal with that is a find a in between , I try to get one thing I get to do by myself and I try to make sure that I'm NOT the leader. but It's kinda hard since people know I'm really smart it's me they ask for advice but I think the reason they ask me is becuase I am the person that shows everybody I'm so smart (like I said I'm a show off) so I'm the person they ask questions like " is this good?" So I've started answering like this: "I think it should {blah blah blah} but what ever you want to do, It's your part right?" or "What do you think? Do you think it looks good? If you think the best you can do than it's okay It has to be your best no one else's"
Your fav. Blogger,

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spreading the word

I don't know who, but some one from canada has seen my website, and only one person from canada. Who ever is that one person, rock on! You know, I don't know if i should be making posts form just the tinest things but oh well. Oh, and yesterday(friday the last week of the first six weeks) That ac kid I told you about WAS PUSHING MY LIMITS and not only that person but some other people to. IF FIGHTING WASN'T AGIANST THE RULES(and i wouldn"t get in trouble)THEY WOULD HAVE BLACK EYES, TONS OF BRUSIES AND BY GOING TO THE NURSE! That ac kid is a staker but i don't have time to tell you abot it in fine detail right now becuase my friends just showed up.
your fav. Blogger

Comment on-Hey emily

Yes I understand about that, but peoples is a word I made up, at the time I didn't know it was a popular word at all.( I know you won't belive me but all songs and the lastest "cool things" I never know about becuase I'm never in touch with the new trends and whatnot, I didn't even see camp rock 2 or even camp rock before a month ago, but I still haven't watched the second one)So I just started it in my school I guess you could say, no one at school had said it intill I did but when I started going to a different attendence zone some people had heard it too. So you're right, peoples is a common but not so common word. And really a thousand years ago it was not proper to say peoples but I get your point.
Your fav. Blogger,

Monday, September 27, 2010


About that comment from science: You really have a great idea, I thank you for the help, and you're right, I'm can get bossy sometimes. You sound like you have been in the same situation yourself.
Your fav. Blogger,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


hey I had the perfect idea, each month I'll have contests The winner will get to post there own blog for everone to see you can write about any thing you want, a poem, a song something at school, a story you wrote, Your crush(please just find someway to make that instesting I mean seriously who want to read about that? YUCK!)what ever you want and it will stay there forever and will never be earased. But you have to win first!
This month's contest will be a riddle contest, whoever comes up with the answer first is the winner here's the riddle:
I usually sit on a throne of eatible while
I come in all diferent colors
You can put any thing sweet on me
and everyone scoops me up
What am I?

The First person to answer correctly wins! But don't forget to inclued what you would want to post if you won and a name to call you by weather it's your real name, a goofy fake name or a name you really like.
Good luck to all that compete!
Your fav. Blogger,


science was a disater! The lab we did was more stressful than fun. But that's becuase my group played around a little. I can't start pointing fingers becuase we all contrubuted to it. first two friend always goof around but it isn't so bad but it didn't help much that i get sucked into their conversation as well but when I try to get on task, they still goof around. and our time keeper didn't do anything okay so she did start school with us last week but come on! She is really shy and all she did was watch us and she knows what to do, she's not an idoit, I try to include her and I know I sound mad but I'm actual kind of worried I don't think she's adjusting well, but I don't know how to help. Every class she sits right next to me besides language arts what do I do? You people are reading this, PLEASE give me some suggestions and if I hurt anyone's feelings don't be angry at me, I always come up with a reason why It's all my fault, and everytime I have friend problems I get really upset and shaken and get mad easlily, yell when I don't mean to, act more bossy than usual, say things I don't mean to, and recently I've started clenching my fist so tight it digs into my palm so bad and leaves a mark, And i do it so I don't yell mean things becuase I'm trying to get togo award this year and so everytime I do something I'm not supposed to by not paying attention or being carfull with my attitude and temper I think i doomed and blah blah blah so. . . . . . . the following content may be frightnining to the elderly, wimpy people popular kids and fashion finascos I'm sorry if I'm to lazy to give color to my writing [Get used to it!]and do not press the "more about it please" button with something in your mouth
Allright, I that probably wasn't as bad as you thought but sometimes people make a big deal out of stuff and it's like come on, REALLY? and I know I'm probably just being lame and stupid right now and make fun of me if you want but I don't really care so you know, WHATEV!
Your fav. Blogger,


Poptropica is way asomely cool. Though thier new island, Steam Works is hard, those stupid plants are really hard to beat! ARG well wish me luck, I hopefully will be able to beat it this time WATCH OUT YOU VIRTUAL PLANTS I"M COMING TO GET YOU!
Your Fav. Blogger,
Now they have a new island called Mystey train island and it's DETECTIVE WORK and they said it was going to be out to the public now BUT IT" NOT OPEN WHAAA! Sorry I love logic puzzles and stuff and I'm really egar for this particular one to come out. Becuase it shall be FUN! I had my birthday party with my acual parents yesterday (about two months after my birthday : ( but i didn't mind, what am i going to be for halloween, getting off topic SORRY!) the theme was hollywood I made the street signs hollywood bl and Vine st. and made pink stars and taped them to the floor for my guests to sign like the walk of fame and then on the long banister I taped up my own HOLLYWOOD sign! I spent all day making decration and setting up the one's we had bought from pary city. The party was awesome!
Your fav. Blogger,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

That ac kid

 You know that ac kid I told you about? Well apparently during football practice
or maybe it was a game, i don't know, he took off his helmet and his team and coach shaved his head almost bold! That is so mean! (Even though this kid is one of the most annoying people on the planet) But what ever and guess what?

Monday, September 13, 2010


Dear Emily,
You really checked out my website, thanks! You're a great friend, no one else posted any comments. . . . . . I'm glad you like it!
Your fav. Blogger,


Today was a day of success,

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Weird Dream

We went out to dinner to this place called "Mama's Pizza" (which I compliment and suggest to anyone looking for some unusual pizza) and on the way back the house, I began thrinking about my weird dream last night. It started out with me in my brother's Spyro game. I don't remember the name of it now but the goal of the game is to catch dragon flies. Anyways, I was in the game and my brother was Spyro.Then, as Spyro, he did a headbutt over the edge of the clift we were on. I yelled "NOO!" (like any good movie charecter :P). And just like that, I magically appeared on the ledge he had landed on without any idea of how I'd gotten down. Maybe it was like that timed thing. Where when you get seperated from other charecters to where you can't see yourself, you die and re-generate with the first controller. I bet that was it. Eitherway, I mysteriously appeared on the ledge. On the ledge with us, was a very old yellow dragronfly. I mean this is some antediluvian dragonfly people. The strange this was, I didn't know how I knew that. I just did. I can't remember what he looked like either. It's not like he had wrinkles or grey hair or anything, I just knew he was ancient. I'd like to think that he had a white mustache though, it's kinda cute. Then my brother switched to bubble breath (It's how you catch the dragonflies, you blow bubbles and chase them around intill they submit) and went over and blew bubbles in his face. Except, this time, my brother didn't have to chase it around. It just hovered there complete placid with being captured. And it's safe to say, I find that odd with such a old dragonfly but oh well. Then we magically appeared on another ledge. This time my brother was fooling around with his abilities. He was romping around with his charge except he was jumping too (which, you can actually do in the game, in fact it's a very signature thing my brother does all the time) he was also playing around with bubble breath, stretching out his scaled lips to blow bubbles. Also on the ledge with us, was a princess monkey from the monkey colony that lives in the mountains. (that's also in the game). All of a sudden, she came towards us, chasing after something and they bumped into each other and their lips accidentally meet. As we were leaving, I began teasing him about it. He told me to shut up. I didn't. :D Again, the scenery shifted. Now, it was me and a bunch of kids being suppervised by these adults in dark hooded cloaks where you couldn't see their faces. Of course we didn't find this to be strange at all though and we were exploring the dark house we were in, looking for secrets. We came to a pair of huge double doors back of wood and cast iron hinges, mammoth sized. These were the type of double doors you only see in castles from the middle ages. So I asked, "What's behind this door?". One hooded adult with a lantern walked toward the door a couple steps and the door magically opened. Behind it, was the silhouette of what looked like a man, chained laying down on a table of some sort. Behind that, a strange red light was being emitted that spiked  everywhere in all directions. I couldn't see them, but I knew there were torture devices somewhere. Somehow, that didn't bother me, because I knew that thing was evil. Then, the lantern guy said "Awake!". Suddenly, the figure began resisting the chains, his back bending off the table as his lips raised up in screams. His screams were silent. You couldn't actually hear them. Instead they did something to your brain. Me and the other children crouched on the floor, hands on our ears. I finally yelled "ENOUGH!" and the screaming stopped and the doors closed. Now, being the stubbornly stupid silly children we are, we didn't let that horrible instance phase us, we continued on our search. We were walking behind a couch right next to the wall so we had to squeeze and squish to get through when I got the feeling I was going to barf. I escaped to the bathroom right in time to barf out white stuff. I was just about to barf again when I woke up. Thank goddness for that. So there you have it, a very weird dream.

Blah blah blah
Your Fav. Blogger,

Monday, August 16, 2010

Opions on the Oil Spill

In recent news, an oil spill has occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. This oil spill was brought on by the mistakes of a company named BP. From the information I've gathered I've become a bit outraged and have concluded the following opinions. There are three things or groups of people to blame which are the following:

I don't think the goverment should allow drilling in the gulf. The damage to our ecosystem isn't worth it. We should be investing in cleaner energy instead. Also in recent news, on the public radio station there was report of a good offer to clean up the gulf. These mechanical arms would reel in the water, take out the oil and put the water back in the gulf. However, BP had to decline due to a law that states you can't put oil contaminated water into the gulf. At this point, with all the trouble they are in, it would probably just be wiser to take the offer and pay an extra fine so that we get it cleaned up quicker. I don't agree with putting in oil contaminated water back in the gulf of course, but the goverment should be making an exception, this is an ARTIFICAL disaster! A devastating, life-killing, unexceptable disaster. Oil contaminated is better than a pure layer of oil on top of the gulf.

We can not exclude the company from a lack of foresight. Oil companies that hold the balance of our marine life in their hands don't simply mess up. Personally there should be plan As and plan Bs and plan Cs before even building the rig. Cleanup plans should also be included in those also. Regular security checks should also be in place of backup equipment of plan as and bs and Cs. We can pretty just sum up this accident: disaster.

Lastly, YOU. that's right, you, the American driver can be to blame.
If we weren't so dependent on oil, we wouldn't need to drill from the gulf. A good place to start is car pooling in more fuel efficient cars. I remember once what my fifth grade science teacher told me (this May or may not be true but this is what she said) basically, more fuel efficient cars are more expensive, even though the engines are not that drastically more different, because car dealerships don't think we want them and therefore make them even more expensive. Which... Doesn't make a lot of sense. I mean... Yeah. Anyhoo! The next step is using cars with ethanol. How I see it, is there are MANY way this could benefit us. Ethanol is alcohol+Gas. Except, this is 75-85% Alcohol. Let that sink in a moment.
Did it sink in? Imagine. 75-85% LESS GASOLINE USE IN AMERICA! That is... HUGE! Think about how much we'll save on the cost of buying oil from the Middle East! And think about the pollution reduction and how much less oil use overall! Plus, if I'm thinking correctly, this could mean more jobs. First, an increase for the need of alcohol causes a bigger need for farmers. Second, think about it. We buy oil (even though we should probably be using are own reserves... But not in the gulf) then we mix it with the alcohol, creating the ethenol. The process of creating ethonol would create jobs! We'd have... Ethanol Factories!

Let's be smarter next time, America.

Blah blah blah,
Your Fav. Blogger,


Hello. My name is Kenster. This is my new blog. These sentances are plain. These Sentances are boring. I'm not sure what else to say.

Blah blah blah
Your Fav. Blogger,