Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Holidays!

I've never sent a forward before, but I made two in the last couple of days Today I made this one to send to everyone at school:
Whatever Holiday you celebrate, whether it's christmas, kwanza or hanukah
For those of you that celebrate Christmas and are dog lovers, here's a little song about my dog Hoover,
On the tweelth day of christmas hoover gave to me. . . . . . . . .

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Quiz Time!

Who ever made this test is really smart the only one I got wrong wich was the second one take it for you self remember ocom's razor (most won't know what that is but who cares? I don't! :) )
A funny test
Here are a funny test to see if you are smart and if you have a good memory.The questions are not that difficult.Scroll down for the answers after you have thought about it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dance Central

I'm awesome! I have this game called Dance Central and the highest rank is living legeand the  hardest song is Just Dance by Lady Gaga and if you did exceptional you get 5 golden stars (like it's a grade, F if you got one star or less, D if you got 2 stars, C if you get 3 stars, 4 stars is like a b and 5 stars is an A but 5 golden stars is an A+) And first of all I always get four stars or more on every song I do (becuase i'm awesome : )!) But a couple weeks ago I got living legend and so I was like, YEAH! But I'm not done. I played Just dance on hard(there is easy meduim and Hard) breakit down and I got 100%!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Kenster's Advice: The Four Step Process to Acne

This process is about what anyone would suggest whether it's product brand, most all people-who-make-acne-treatment-stuffs have these four basic things. It's fairly universal. If you don't have serious acne, you don't need brands, just one of each. Basic Principal: Kill your acne when it gets there and DON'T let it fester like mine because then you really will need stronger stuff which equals more money. Time=money people!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Educational Technology

Hey peoples! Alright yeah I haven't posted my advice colum for last week or whatever sorry I was busy! But for Educational Techology and Online Learning a.k.a a very boring course on Online Safety, I'm learning about Blogging (OH WAIT A MINUTE! I already KNOW about blogging becuase I have my OWN blogging website!) Safety. So anyways one of the activities is that you "Blog" on these six different topics they give you but I only have like 3 to do becuase I've already posted some blogs on the topics they want you posting on : ) ! HAH! So if you want you can read the blog on each topic I'm supposed to be blogging on. Though you know, how could you BLOG if you don't actually have you own website! : ) Yeah, yeah "they mean write a paragraph or to if you had your own blog on the following topics stop being dumb!" Well I was being a smart alex. So know I'm going to "blog" on the topics

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Okay It's time to tell you something about me, my teeth are just waked! I have so serve over bite it's called over jet and crossbite. None of my teeth line up. My first four front teeth are in like a complete straight line it's wierd. I even stopped smiling with my teeth becuase of it. Wich I shouldn't but it doesn't really matter anyway becuase for some reason I don't smile as much as I used to. I rarely smile anymore. Anyways, becuase of all of this I would have to get braces and a pallet widening becuase my pallet(roof of my mouth) it to narrow. If fits PERFECTLY to my tonge it's creepy. My pallet is an impression of my tounge no joke. And like everyweek they put a key in and turn it to widen more and it's cemented on the roof of you mouth! : ( BUT! I may be getting saved. There is this thing called invisiline. What is it? A invisable impression that's tweeked a bit to move your teeth gradualy intill they're were they're supposed to be. Every two weeks you change them. Now I know your saying "You have to go to the dentist every two weeks? That's stupid!" No, you go every 6 to 8 weeks and they give you the next four sets of invisiline impression things to change out every two weeks intill you come back. And guess what? Since you can remove it, I can still eat, chips, popcorns, gum, corn on the cob and everything else. Take it out, eat, put it back in. And no specail one hour long cleaning either. Take it out, brush my teeth, give the thing a quick brush and done! Awesome right!?! but I may have to wait intill I'm 13 wich would be next year bleh But isn't it worth it!?!?!
Your fav. Blogger,

Friday, October 7, 2011

Let's beat the record

Alright, The record for page views per month on this website is onehundred forty something. Right now we have 30, Come on guys let's beat the record here I'd be hapy if we even got like, 60 but come let's try and this does no inlued my pageviews becuase then it would be invaled but also thankyou guys for being so awesome to check my blog!
Your fav. Blogger,
UPDATE! 10 more views to beat june we're at 42 we need over 52 to beat june
UPDATE! RIGHT NOW! we are tied with june! WHAHOO! 52 page views excatly! Alright so, I don't know what month is next to beat, but I look and update later alright the next month would be my first year posting, in december or november can't remember now but it is-124 page views! If we wanna beat this record we're gonna have to step it up a bit
OUR FINAL TOTAL WAS....... I know this is a litlle late posted but our final total page views was (drumroll please!) 88 page views! That's really good, you guys rock! Thanks alot! We didn't beat the record but we increase page views alot! I think I might do a page view contest between countries (becuase you can like see how many people from Russia or how many people from the United states has looked at your website) Thanks guys so much!
P.S this is like totally unrelated but MYSTERY TRAIN ISLAND IS FINALLY OUT FOR EVERYONE ELSE! WHAOOO! Supposedly anyway and if it isn't I'm going to be in a REAL bad mood
About 15 minute later. . . .

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friend trouble

Alright I need some help If you've been reading all my posts you probably have heard my saying that Key's mad at me. So I need you help. She wants me to apoligize first and I don't have a problem with that it's just I'm not sure what I'm exactly apoligizing for.

New Design

Alright New designing is done if your adress for the website says then you are at the right spot. The page should have a green plaid dimond thing and the whole thing should have green text and stuff. So don't be alamrmed, I ashure you your were you need to be unless you ended here by mistake ofcourse but even if you did look around and post a coment!
Your fav. Blogger,

Catching up

Hey guys! Sorry again for not posting. Well let me catch you up I'm now in the 7th grade! I switched online schools but this one is much better. My dad left for a bussnies trip on monday in Los Vegas and his plane for his return home gets here at like midnight tonight so yeah(or would it be tomarow becuase midninght is when a new day starts? huh). And then it would take like an hour to get to and back from the airport becuase ours is ridduculy huge.ummm let's see. Oh Kegan's mad at me I'll have more detials on that later. Oh! And. . . .

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Micheal Jackson

(okay for some reason this post never got published butI wrote it a long time ago)I was just listening to my mp3 player (which I just got back yesterday, long story) and I had my favorite song that Micheal Jackson had written (Smooth Criminal) and I remembered the day he had died. I know you people won't belive me and think I'm full of baloney but, we had been at Dairy Queen and my parents where talking about the song that was playing on the radio. ( Which was by Micheal Jackson, DUH)So when the mentioned Micheal Jackson, me, being SOOO out of tune of popular singers and whatnot said "Isn't Micheal Jackson dead?" When we got home, my mom was on her computer when she saw a article that Micheal Jackson had died a couple of hours or so earlyer. So technicly I was correct! I can't believe I remember that!

The best game I've ever played

Right now my brother is playing a bunch of computer games on those game sites. What are some of the best games you've ever played? Tell me the name of the game, what it's about, why you think it rocks and the website you found it on. I am ecpecially instrested in management and puzzle games. I wanna hear all about!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Allright we all have foods we don't like. And when the nasty food showes up on your plate for dinner and you have to eat it what do you do? Well here's my solution

Thursday, September 1, 2011


 Okay I don't know who in the world made this quiz but it is the best quiz I've ever taking becuase it is SUPER funny you have to read it my friend Georgia sent it to me a long time ago and i decided to post it for you to read to here it is:

What's up? Okay, so here's a random quiz to see how random you are. Enjoy!

Your teacher is calling roll in class, when she comes across a name of a person who is not here. When she asks you where they are, you say...

A.) Oh, she's not sick.
B.) Um, 37?
C.) I kidnapped her and locked her in the janitor's closet, and I only feed her oatmeal and pudding. Heh, heh.

Where's Waldo?

A.) Um, what? Who's Waldo?
B.) I don't know. Who cares? Oh yeah, that's right: NOT ME!
C.) He's making me a waffle!

There's a cow on your lawn eating steak.

A.) What? No there isn't.
B.) *GASP* He's a cannibal!
C.) MOO! Can I go tickle him?

Pick your favorite song.

A.) Fireflies by Owl City.
B.) Happy Birthday by... someone.
C.) DINOSAWR RAWR by some YouTube people.

Whoa! You just saw a burglar robbing a bank! Ah! Now he's running down the sidewalk towards you! You...

A.) Call 9-1-1.
B.) Scream and run out of his way, yelling, "Help! Call the police! Call the fire department! Call the ice cream man! Call my mom! Call Elmo! Help!"
C.) Ask him for a sack of potatoes. When he says no, you pull out your finger gun, pretend to shoot him, and then you throw a rock at his head.

Pick which way you would rather die.

A.) A car crash.
B.) You choked on your on spit. How lovely.
C.) Barney drowned you in a toilet. And I thought he loved me!

Who's your favorite person in the whole wide world?

A.) Easy. My mom.
B.) The owner of that shoe store. She thinks I'm 'irritating', whatever that is.
C.) Santa Claus! We're best friends!

Did dinosaurs use to exist?

A.) Yeah, a long time ago. They're extinct, though.
B.) Maybe. That lady next door is pretty close...
C.) Heck yeah! I'm best friends with a T-Rex! His name is Albert, and we like gluing buttons on paper.

What is your favorite sport?

A.) Soccer/ basketball.
B.) Does sleeping count?
C.) BRUSHING MY TEETH! I like how the toothpaste tastes.

What is the number one thing you have to bring on vacation?

A.) My camera.
B.) Wait, one thing? Do clothes count as one thing? Because if not, then I'll have to say my teddy bear named Mr. Fluffy Pants. He's missing an arm, and both of his eyes, but he doesn't care.
C.) Broccoli! I gotta have something to eat, right?

All right count up your answers. Here's your results.

If you got mostly A's, then...
You're not very random. You're very practical and don't kid around much. Try to have some fun, you know? It's not a crime to be weird or funny. People enjoy a random person. It makes their day a whole lot more... interesting.

If you got mostly B's, then...
You're getting there. You have your random moments, while sometimes you're just normal and don't yell out weird stuff. If you want to get more random, just try saying the first thing that comes to your mind. Other than that, good job. Mostly.

If you got mostly C's, then...
You're as random as they come! You love blurting out strange things, and especially love the confused looks you get from your dad by yelling, "Ah! Your belly button's on fire!" Life's never boring when you're around.
Alright are you laughing yet? If your not then there is something seriously wrong with you even if you answered all A's. I got mostly B's and A's a couple C's what did you get?
Blah Blah Blah
Your Fav. Blogger,

Friday, April 8, 2011


Dear, . . . . Internet people

I'm really sorry I haven't posted a blog in such a long time! I've been SO busy and well, I've gotten locked out of my computer so I have to ask for my parents to unlock it so I can do stuff on it and I didn't want them to have access to my personal stuff and not me so I've kinda stayed out of those areas that they could also lock up. My computer is still locked but I decided to take a risk. I didn't want you people to think I was DEAD or something so yeah I'm alive. But know I'm really bored and don't have much to do. But great news I'm finally became a normal kid; I want school to be over! This is partly becuase I'm tired of homework and mainly becuase I am going to a homeschool online! It's called K-12 AWESOME! NOW I won't have to deal with the freaks, dorks and idiotic boys all day AND I could go to school in my pjs or be playing games, eating lunch or even just being on my website and STILL be at school! And becuase I go at my own pace, I could probably get done before public school gets off! HAH! And even though I'm home, I still have field trips with other kids from k-12 in the area occasionally! All I can say is that it is really supper awesome and cool!
Your fav. Blogger,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rubik's cube madness

 Okay I was solving my Rubik's cube and I was working on the last layer middle pieces and I kept doing this move. For some reason I KNOW I was doing it right, I checked and I had the instructions right in front of me. but the middle pieces wouldn't turn right side up and only one of them at a time would be on the right side. So I just did it on random sides and guess what happened I finished the Rubik's which is not unusual to finish at the second to last stage but here's the catch- those middle pieces are facing right side up but none of them are on the right side, How in the world did that happen? And that's the only thing that's wrong. If you look at the green side all of it is green but the green yellow middle is on the red side, the middle green red piece is on the yellow side, the middle green white piece is on the orange side and the middle green orange is on the white side, How do you fix that?
Here's the link to the instructions I use, It is like THE BEST for beginners sorry if you don't like it but it has the best model and best step showing sytem I've found :
Your fav. Blogger,