Friday, October 22, 2010


Okay I belive I spelled Sudoku wrong but oh well, I love to play this game called Sudoku it's this number puzzle game. If you want to see what it is get in to your poptropica acount it's there and it's at, I going to go play becuase it's friday and I'm going some where tomarow that doesn't have internet, SEE YA!
Your fav. Blogger,


I've thought it would be really cool to get money for my blog by posting ads, But, aren't those stupid ads anoying? I mean GEE WHIZ i'm NOT INTERSED OKAY? People didn't come to the website to buy something with ads, they came to read posts and play games not to buy things (unless you were on amazon or ebay ofcouse wich I don't think I need to point out becuase that's like, DUH!)
Your fav. Blogger,

Soccer talk

Okay I know i dwell on bad things so I might exaterate but here goes. .. . . . I sprained (Okay yeah it's not broken and i not sure if it's really spraned but it was servere enough to need ice and hurt the whole day and I can't put any wieght on it so i'm typing one handed!) my wrist during soccer practice! MAA! and ARRG becuase if it doesn't get better I won't be able to play goalie and I'm not sure if it will be safe to play on the field either becuase the team were playing always does illegeal pushing and shoving and they do it hard to AND THE NEVER GET CALLED i'm one of the lucky kids though, becuase I've seen them do it to my team mates but though  they have never done it to me. Did I tell you one time I was trying to take the ball from some player and I accidently half fell but still had my leg out and tripped the poor kid. though they didn't call it becuase it was an accident. And during the game last week we had a corrner kick and I kept moving with this player I was covering and she said "get off me" HELLO! We're playing soccer, I'm trying to keep you from getting the ball! GEEZ! Where have you been? In la la land? COME ON! GET A CLUE! And that team hadn't got any new players either. . . .
Your fav. Blogger,

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I got two people from BRAZIL looking at my website and one person FROM FRANCE! I'd like to take this opritunity to say thankyou for all that have been spreading the word. As I and commenters have said before, ROCK ON PEOPLES EVERY ONE OF YOU ARE SOOOOO AWSOME
Your fav. Blogger,

To the anomous blogger

You have a point there and sorry for the complaints, I do seem to dweel on the bad stuff don't I. I really don't mean to. But some times I can be really negitive and stubborn sometimes. If you want me to write about something cheerful or whatever just say so! I'd be more that happy to. (Becuase seriously i don't smile that much anymore, I don't know why) I going to see about typing storyies and things I've writen before at some point. becuase I REALLY love writing. But intill then there won't be much here most likely. So really a can't belive how many people like my site. I really hope your that bloger I commented about, thought affter I commented, it showed up in the white space and then it dissapeared completely, it didn't even show up on the real site comment place so I wonder, What happened? Oh well.
Your fav. Blogger,


SUP? (just kidding saying that is soo unlike me, so I'll say Hiya peoples!) Kegan and Ashyln wants me to type about puppies so here's my opinion:
PUPPIES ARE SO CUTE! We all agree that puppies are absolutely adorable! but most of us say that they are a pain to house train, which they are, but ISN"T IT WORTH IT? I mean really, who can resit man's best friend, we use them for everything. To help the blind, to help children read(not kidding, we have one of those dogs at our school, ask ashylen and kegan) To help hunt down criminals, to help hunt game, to sniff for illegal drugs and other illegal substances and bombs, to put into shows, I've even heard of a dog that helped a child overcome sickness, it got her mom every time the dog realized something was wrong. And blood hounds for instance my beagle are REALLY GOOD AT SNIFFING! If a treat like a carrot( one of her favorites) gets under a piece of furniture like the refrigerator, dishwasher, couch and dinner couch in the camper, SHE WILL GO CRAZY in till someone fetches the snack for her, every time we have food she automatically sits because we started making her sit to get food, but that's the only thing she sits for! So if your trying to get her to laydown by using treats, you can't because she sits instead. When she was a puppy she would literly get in the dishwasher when we did the dishes. And she still does! If you want to add something about puppies, tell a story about your own or some tips for training or whatever start typing your comments!
Your fav. Blogger,

Hey alaska and biggest fan

Thank SOOO MUCH you don't know how much it means to me that people enjoy my blog  sorry that I haven't been on in a while I'm trying to catch up with all the comments, when I logged in and looked at my commnets page I was like WHOOO! becuase it went from like, five to like tweenty!  And also, alaska, you said "I like your" and then you typed some other word, I not in touch with abrevations and stuff like that, so can you tell me what that means, and since you call yourself alska, are you the person from canda, oh wait, alaska is united states (DU-DER TO ME) Any way as my biggest fan said ROCK ON ( but this time it includes any body that's gotten on my website )
Your fav. Blogger,

Renata-about soccer

Renata I'd like to say good luck to you too becuase you're going to need it, even though we got beat by storm but that's becuase our team has trouble with the idea that you can push people, I'm SOOO DEFINITLY OUT OF PUNTING PRACTICE and we ALL were not awake, ecspically me. And when people play bunch ball like they did, you would think it would make it hard on that team right. No, it makes it hard on the other team. becuse it's like, Do I go with my person to block her even though she's on the WAY other side of the field, or do I stay spread out and let two of my team mates handle almost half of the team. So yeah.
Your fav. Blogger,

Asylen's riddles

One of my fans, Ashylen has commented on some riddles, I ask if Ashylen sees someone comment the right answer say something( And don't even think about cheating, becuase really you can't, I actually know who Ashlyen is so HAA! You cheaters) And I also have a spooky riddle too. Here's ashlyen's two riddles:
1What do you call a fish without an eye?
2There were two ducks in front  of a duck and two ducks behind a duck and one in the middle. How many ducks were there?

Okay and now for my october riddle
Who gave her mother forty wacks and her father forty one? What little song was made for this person?
(come on people, my mother knows this one!)
Good luck to you all!
Your fav. Blogger,

Dramma queen

One known fact is that I am a very dramatic person. Not to the point that It's annoying but to the point to where I am definitely dramatic. When people say I'm annoying It's because first, to be honest, I'm a little bit of a show off, but I'm getting better at laying off that annoying quality. I get mad easily these days so I accidentally snap at people every once in a while.And I have to say my opinions about everything so my hand is always up. A teacher can never say that I don't participate. I'm stubborn and want to be the leader of everything. When someone else is the leader the way i deal with that is a find a in between , I try to get one thing I get to do by myself and I try to make sure that I'm NOT the leader. but It's kinda hard since people know I'm really smart it's me they ask for advice but I think the reason they ask me is becuase I am the person that shows everybody I'm so smart (like I said I'm a show off) so I'm the person they ask questions like " is this good?" So I've started answering like this: "I think it should {blah blah blah} but what ever you want to do, It's your part right?" or "What do you think? Do you think it looks good? If you think the best you can do than it's okay It has to be your best no one else's"
Your fav. Blogger,

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spreading the word

I don't know who, but some one from canada has seen my website, and only one person from canada. Who ever is that one person, rock on! You know, I don't know if i should be making posts form just the tinest things but oh well. Oh, and yesterday(friday the last week of the first six weeks) That ac kid I told you about WAS PUSHING MY LIMITS and not only that person but some other people to. IF FIGHTING WASN'T AGIANST THE RULES(and i wouldn"t get in trouble)THEY WOULD HAVE BLACK EYES, TONS OF BRUSIES AND BY GOING TO THE NURSE! That ac kid is a staker but i don't have time to tell you abot it in fine detail right now becuase my friends just showed up.
your fav. Blogger

Comment on-Hey emily

Yes I understand about that, but peoples is a word I made up, at the time I didn't know it was a popular word at all.( I know you won't belive me but all songs and the lastest "cool things" I never know about becuase I'm never in touch with the new trends and whatnot, I didn't even see camp rock 2 or even camp rock before a month ago, but I still haven't watched the second one)So I just started it in my school I guess you could say, no one at school had said it intill I did but when I started going to a different attendence zone some people had heard it too. So you're right, peoples is a common but not so common word. And really a thousand years ago it was not proper to say peoples but I get your point.
Your fav. Blogger,